10 Weight-loss Diets Around The World

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Humans didnt always associate slenderness with attractiveness, but for the last several centuries, it seems as though weve settled on this particular view. As a result, the demand for dieting has been steadily increasing since the 18th century. Diet publications on the matter date back to 1724 and the first popular diet was recorded in 1863, when William Banting , an English undertaker, dubbed his diet with his last name (were banting, baby! No more sugar, butter or beer!) and began passing out informational booklets on it (it was still in publication as of 2007).[related] Click here for the 10 Weight-Loss Diets Around the World (Slideshow) While dieting generally leads to the desired effect of weight-loss, it can also carry a heavy cost, depending on how far one is willing to go to shed the pounds.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://travel.yahoo.com/ideas/10-weight-loss-diets-around-153215359.html

Top 20 weight loss plan mistakes to avoid

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Dieters who ate early lunches tend to lose more weight than those who had their midday meal late in the afternoon, according to a Spanish study published in the International Journal ofObesity. The finding doesnt prove that bumping up your lunch hour will help you shed that extra weight, http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/13/idUSnHUGdsQR+73+ONE20140113 but it is possible that eating times play a role in how the body regulates its weight, researchers revealed. Car Commuters Gain More Weight, Even If They Exercise People who drive to work every day are packing on slightly more weight than their colleagues who use trains, buses and bicycles to get to work, even if they exercise in their spare time, according to an Australian study. People who have longer commutes tend to purchase a lot of their food and run a lot of errands on their way to and from work, which influence weight gain, researcher said. In addition, 80 percent of car trips are non-commuting.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.ynaija.com/top-20-weight-loss-plan-mistakes-to-avoid/

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